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07 Intro

Unlock Elite Access to the Motorsport World


07 Team

Welcome To The Team

Cusick Motorsports, founded in 2021 by entrepreneur Don Cusick, was created to make the racing industry more accessible to all.

Cusick Motorsports creates bespoke programs for our partners and creates unforgettable experiences that help you drive business.

Ever since the first Indianapolis 500 held in 1911. the world of motorsports has stood for speed and innovation. both off and on the track. From breaking the 200 MPH barrier and developing safety technologies that have saved thousands of lives on public roads, to enabling exponential growth for 439 Fortune 500 companies, motorsports has created an entirely new way to blend sports with business.

But the threshold for getting into the industry has not been easy for most companies. An entrepreneur in the Healthcare Industry for over 40 years. Don Cusick saw the opportunity to make the motorsports industry more accessible for all, and built Cusick Motorsports to open these opportunities.

With a team of motorsports and corporate business experts, we work hand in hand with our partners in identifying their key business needs, and create and execute the solutions from A-Z. lowering the threshold to get involved in the world of motorsports.


07 Cusick

Why Cusick Motorsports


07 Contact

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